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AZURE Incisal Composite Universal Jer. 4g de OliDent

-9% 38,00 €
Precio sin IVA 34,58 €
Precio con IVA (21%) 41,84 €
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Producto de venta exclusiva a Odontólogos y Clínicas Dentales (Nº de colegiado requerido).
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Is also a unique material in terms of its molecular structure. The UDMA resin contains microfillers and nanoparticles. This innovative combination of the size of the filler particles and its quantity makes AZURE Incisal very convenient for the user. It does not stick to the tools, can be easily polished, and the smoothness and gloss of the fillings are extremely durable.

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Disponibilidad: Este producto no se encuentra en stock. Consulta la disponibilidad al 964 680 399.

Referencia: 8630OD
Ref. Fabricante: OL0281
Todas referencias

Ref: 8630OD

Ref fabricante: OL0281

REPE..... Is also a unique material in terms of its molecular structure. The UDMA resin contains microfillers and nanoparticles. This innovative combination of the size of the filler particles and its quantity makes AZURE Incisal very convenient for the user. It does not stick to the tools, can be easily polished, and the smoothness and gloss of the fillings are extremely durable.

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Why is opal inseparable from opalescence?
The light reflecting off the natural opal makes the stone appear bluish. The backlight brings out warm colours - from yellow to orange. It is the same with natural enamel. Light is reflected, refracted and scattered at the same time. The human eye sees a combination of cold and warm colours that give the effect of natural opalescence.

AZURE Incisal is also a unique material in terms of its molecular structure. The UDMA resin contains microfillers and nanoparticles, which constitute as much as 76% of the content. This innovative combination of the size of the filler particles and its quantity makes AZURE Incisal very convenient for the user. It does not stick to the tools, can be easily polished, and the smoothness and gloss of the fillings are extremely durable.

Dentists appreciate the ease of polishing the composite during the final preparation of the filling. Patients expect long-lasting gloss of the teeth and a smooth surface. AZURE Incisal is so abrasion-resistant that even after repeated brushing, its surface practically does not tarnish.

Compra AZURE Incisal Composite Universal Jer. 4g de OliDent con SeQura


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